Case Report A patient with numerous tablets remaining in the stomach even 5 hours after ingestion Abstract The current consensus suggests that gastric lavage should
Case Report A case of a gas embolism in the aorta induced by necrotizing gastroenteritis Abstract A 69-year-old man with epigastralgia and vomiting continuing for
Case Report An emerging and devastating acute abdomen in a patient under Peritoneal dialysis: encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis Abstract Peritoneal dialysis (PD) has been applied to
Original Contribution A prospective clinical trial evaluating urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid levels in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis Roma Hernandez MDa, Ashok Jain MDa, Lucas Rosierea,
Case Report Rhabdomyolysis: a lesson on the perils of exercising and drinking Abstract Acute abdomen is a common presentation to the emergency department (ED), accounting
Original Contribution Derivation of a clinical prediction rule for evaluating patients with abdominal pain and diarrhea Esther H. Chen MD?, Frances S. Shofer PhD, Anthony
Correspondence Comments on “Can clear ascitic Fluid appearance rule out Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis?” by Chinnock and Hendey To the Editor, We read with great interest
The authors’ reply To the Editor, We thank the authors for their insightful comments about our study. Several interesting points were raised that deserve further
Case Report Wandering spleen presenting as bleeding gastric varices Abstract Ectopic spleen (splenoptosis) is an extremely Rare condition in which the spleen is present in
Case Report Tropical Pancreatitis: an unusual case of Chronic pancreatitis in juveniles Abstract Immigration from tropical areas increases the incidence of illnesses not common in