a b s t r a c t Background: Electric scooters (e-scooters) have become a widespread method of transportation. The purpose of this study is
a b s t r a c t Introduction: The endpoint of resuscitative interventions after traumatic injury resulting in cardiopulmonary ar- rest varies across institutions
a b s t r a c t Introduction: Early recognition and management of hemorrhage, Damage control resuscitation, and blood prod- uct administration have optimized
Original Contributions Severe upper extremity injuries in frontal automobile crashes: the effects of depowered airbags M. Virginia Jernigan MS, Amber L. Rath BS, Stefan M.
Original Contributions Fluid resuscitation of trauma patients: how fast is the optimal rate? Yasuaki Mizushima MD*, Hideo Tohira MD, Yasumitsu Mizobata MD, Tetsuya Matsuoka MD,
Felix CW,Raw oyster eaters believe they have hazard under control. Food Prot Rep 1995;11:1 – 2. Centers for Disease Control Web Site. CDC health advisory:
Original Contribution Incidence and risk factors for venous thromboembolism in patients with nonsurgical isolated lower limb injuriesB,BB Bruno Riou MD, PhDa,*, Christophe Rothmann MDb, Nathalie
Seiji Yoneta MD Satoshi Nara MD Yoshihiko Kurimoto MD, PhD Eichi Narimatsu MD, PhD Yasufumi Asai MD, PhD Department of Traumatology and Critical Care Medicine
Case Report Isolated adrenal hemorrhage after minor blunt trauma A 29-year-old man was presented to the emergency department with isolated left adrenal hemorrhage after minor
Case Report Life-threatening subcutaneous hematoma Abstract Neurofibromatosis is rare Genetic disorder that predis- poses patients to tumor formation. Although the clinical manifestations are variable, vascular