Article, Emergency Medicine

Facial nerve palsy in a 3-year-old child with severe hypertension

Case Report

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American Journal of Emergency Medicine

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American Journal of Emergency Medicine 33 (2015) 1844.e3-1844.e6

Facial nerve palsy in a 3-year-old child with Severe hypertension


We report an interesting case of a child with new-onset malignant hypertension (HTN) associated with facial paralysis. A review of the medical literature on this association and discussion of diagnostic and management aspects are included.

A 3-year-old Pakistani boy was transferred to the emergency depart- ment (ED) from his pediatrician’s office due to concern for facial weak- ness. He had presented to the ED 2 days prior with a chief complaint relayed by his father of “swollen face; we see it more when he talks,” which occurred several days after rhinorrhea and congestion. At that time, he was afebrile and well appearing (there was no blood pressure [BP] measurement); there was noted mild right facial swelling without erythema, tenderness, fluctuance, or rash. Cranial nerve function was intact. He was diagnosed with right facial swelling (due to probable al- lergic reaction) and discharged home with pediatrician follow-up.

Two days later, there was no improvement. He was evaluated by his pediatrician, who noticed unilateral facial muscle weakness and referred him to the ED. On second ED visit, parents denied patient had fever, rash, pain/headache, visual deficit, eye redness/ discharge, ear pain, or alteration in behavior/level of activity/mental status.

Perinatal history was unremarkable. Family history was positive for consanguinity (parents were cousins) but negative for HTN. Medical history was significant for thalassemia, eczema, and food allergies. Par- ents denied any recent travel, rashes, insect/tick bites, or known sick contacts affecting the patient. Immunizations were up to date for age. The patient was not taking any current medications.

On physical examination, he was well appearing, active, smiling/play- ful, in no apparent distress. He had mildly dysmorphic features with trian- gular facies, frontal prominence, low set ears, anteverted nostrils, and micrognathia. Developmentally, his body mass index was below the third percentile. He had right-sided upper and lower facial paralysis, spe- cifically with weakness affecting the right corner of his mouth, right eye- lid, and right forehead musculature. His vision was grossly normal, with intact Extraocular movements and reactive pupils. With the exception of cranial nerve 7, Cranial nerves 2 to 12 were intact. He had normal strength and sensation in all 4 extremities; deep tendon reflexes were 3+ and equal bilaterally. Head ears eyes nose throat examinations were within normal limits; specifically, ophthalmologic examination was with- out retinal abnormality or papilledema, and there was no evidence of acute otitis media. His neck was supple with no visualized or palpable masses. Cardiac examination was normal, lungs were clear to ausculta- tion, and abdomen was soft and nontender with no masses or bruit.

Blood pressure measured at triage was 224/112; heart rate, 99 beats per minute; respiratory rate, 24 breaths per minute; peripheral oxygen

saturation, 98% (in room air); rectal temperature, 97.6?F. His BP was mea- sured 5 times over the next hour with readings of 194/110, 205/124, 195/ 124, 195/96, and 187/111. Blood pressure was measured in all 4 extrem- ities, and there was no discrepancy in hypertensive readings.

The initial differential diagnosis included Hypertensive emergency; central nervous system (CNS) pathology (stroke, central nervous sys- tem tumor, and encephalitis); malignant HTN due to cardiac, endocrine, or renal disease; and Bell’s palsy.

The patient was placed on a cardiac monitor, and Peripheral venous access was obtained. The initial priority was to therapeutically lower the BP by 10% to 20% while under ED supervision, before leaving the depart- ment to perform radiographic imaging. He initially received a dose of oral nifedipine 6 mg (0.5 mg/kg), with little change in BP. He next re- ceived intravenous (IV) labetalol 20 mg (1 mg/kg), with decrease in BP to 153/87. Upon BP reduction, he was transported to radiology for a cranial/facial computed tomography (CT). The CT scan was normal. Upon return to the ED, his BP was 177/121; he was given another dose of oral nifedipine 6 mg (0.5 mg/kg), after which his BP declined to 147/88. He was admitted to pediatric intensive care unit.

Emergency department workup was remarkable for urinalysis show- ing trace protein and moderate hemoglobin. Basic serum metabolic panel showed sodium 139 mmol/L, potassium 3.9 mmol/L, chloride 101 mmol/L, bicarbonate 24 mmol/L, blood urea nitrogen 9 mg/dL, creati- nine 0.2 mg/dL, and glucose 132 mg/dL. Complete blood count showed white blood cell 10 000/mm3, hemoglobin 13.9 gm/dL, hematocrit 43%, and platelet count 251 000/UL. venous blood gas showed pH 7.42, PaCO2 38 mm Hg, PaO2 60 mm Hg, and lactate 2.2 mmol/dL. A chest x-ray showed clear lungs and normal heart size and contour.

Upon admission to pediatric intensive care unit, the patient had per- sistent marked elevation of BP despite receiving multiple IV doses of labetalol. An Arterial line placed for continuous BP monitoring, and a nicardipine drip (1 ug/kg per minute) was initiated. Abdominal sono- gram showed a relatively small left kidney (5.7 cm) compared to the right kidney (8.2 cm) with normal renal echogenicity; there was no hydronephrosis, mass, or stone. A CT angiogram of the abdomen with IV contrast was performed, which showed asymmetric left renal atro- phy (Fig. 1) and decreased caliber of the left renal artery compared to the right (Fig. 2), although no focal stenotic segment was identified.

During hospitalization, he underwent cardiac, infectious, rheumato- logic, nephrogenic, endocrinologic, and genetic workup. Echocardio- gram showed moderate left ventricle hypertrophy but no evidence of coarctation of the aorta. Infectious workup showed no growth in blood, urine, and throat cultures; Lyme serology, liver function test, and Coagulation studies were within normal limits. Serum, anti-strepto- lysin O titre, C3, and C4 were within normal limits as well as serum angiotensin-converting enzyme and aldosterone levels. Serum renin

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level was significantly increased 33 ng/mL per hour (0.25-5.82). Urine homovanillic acid concentration was within normal limits; there was an upward trend in serial vanillylmandelic acid urine concentra- tions with time (8.7 to 9.3 to 15.4 mg/g creatinine). Serum thyroid- stimulating hormone and T4 and lipid profile were within normal limits; Serum cortisol level in the morning was 2.5 ug/dL. Genetic studies were unremarkable.

Over the next 7 days, his HTN persisted; despite initiating multiple oral Antihypertensive drugs, including oral enalapril, labetalol, and amlodipine, he could not be weaned from IV antihypertensive medica- tion. At that point, it was decided to transfer the patient to another facil- ity that had the capability for vascular intervention to treat pediatric renal artery stenosis.

During hospitalization, the patient’s facial paralysis gradually im- proved and was much less apparent at the time of transfer. At the trans- fer facility, a renal artery angiogram confirmed left renal artery narrowing without discrete focal stenosis. Angioplasty was performed but was unsuccessful in resolving his HTN. A renal artery stent was then placed; despite this, the patient required triple Antihypertensive therapy of amlodipine, labetalol, and clonidine to control his HTN. Even- tually, his facial palsy completely resolved approximately 1 month after presentation.

Acquired facial nerve palsy (FNP) is a relatively uncommon pediatric condition, affecting approximately 5 to 10 per 100000 children per year [1]. Although sometimes associated with an underlying infectious, trau- matic, malignant, or HTN etiology [2], the most common cause of acute

Fig. 1. Computed tomographic angiogram of abdomen, coronal view, showing smaller left

kidney (arrow).

Fig. 2. Computed tomographic angiogram of abdomen, sagittal view, showing narrowed caliber of left renal artery (arrow) and smaller left kidney.

unilateral facial weakness is idiopathic Bell’s palsy (75% of cases) [3]. Al- though the diagnosis of Bell’s palsy depends on exclusion of other etiol- ogies, acute-onset FNP is often readily diagnosed and treated as idiopathic without an extensive workup when a child presents with iso- lated unilateral facial weakness.

There is a paucity of medical literature characterizing the interesting clinical association of FNP with HTN in children. Most are single case re- ports [4-20]. To our knowledge, only 1 comprehensive published series exists, which reviewed 26 published cases of FNP associated with malig- nant HTN reported over a 50-year span (23 cases involved children) [20]. In all, HTN was associated with underlying renal pathology in 10 Pediatric cases (most commonly an associated congenital anomaly), a cardiovascular lesion in 4 cases, and endocrinopathy in 1 case. Interest- ingly, 3 cases occurred in conjunction with Guillain-Barre syndrome, presumably due to either Autonomic instability or hyperreninemia [21]. Many of these cases did not have neuroimaging performed to as- sess for associated neurologic lesion. Of those with renal disease, only 2 cases involved children with renal artery stenosis (RAS). More than 90% of patients had complete or nearly complete resolution of the FNP within the range of a few days to up to 12 months.

Our case involves a young child with new-onset FNP due to underly- ing RAS-induced HTN. The RAS was likely due to fibromuscular dyspla- sia. Renal artery stenosis causes reduced renal arteriolar perfusion pressure, with activation of the Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. The HTN was discovered serendipitously via routine vital sign measure- ment at ED triage. Because of young patient age, BP had not been rou- tinely measured either a few days earlier at initial ED visit or at follow-up with the pediatrician 2 days later. Blood pressure

Table 1

Common etiologies of pediatric hypertension by age


Ages 1-6 y

Ages 7-12 y


Thrombosis of renal artery or vein

Renal artery stenosis

renal parenchymal diseasea

Essential HTN

Congenital renal anomaly

Renal parenchymal diseasea

RenoVascular abnormalities

Renal parenchymal diseasea

Coarctation of the aorta

Wilms tumor



Bronchopulmonary dysplasia


Essential HTN

Coarctation of the aorta

a Considerations include glomerulonephritis, reflux nephropathy, and congenital anomalies.

b Considerations include hyperthyroidism, Cushing syndrome, pheochromocytoma, and hyperaldosteronism.

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Table 2

Etiologies of pediatric facial nerve paralysis

Idiopathic (Bell’s palsy)

Infectious (Lyme disease, herpes simplex virus, varicella zoster virus, and acute otitis media)


Genetic syndromes Tumor/malignancy Malignant HTN

measurement is often omitted in young children unless specifically in- dicated. Based on this case, we recommend BP measurement in all pa- tients with FNP; when elevated, it is imperative to also measure BP in all 4 limbs to assess for discrepancies possibly indicating coarctation of the aorta.

The etiologic considerations of malignant (secondary) pediatric HTN is extensive and involves multiple organ systems, especially renal, cardi- ac, and endocrine (Table 1) [22,23]. In children with newly diagnosed malignant HTN, an underlying renal parenchymal lesion is most likely

[23]; other age-specific causes include RAS, coarctation of the aorta, neuroblastoma, pheochromocytoma, and a variety of other condi- tions [22,23]. The etiology of FNP (Table 2) most commonly includes id- iopathic Bell’s palsy and a variety of infectious causes; HTN, although rare, is a consideration. Our case demonstrates etiologic overlap be- tween the 2 conditions.

The causal association between HTN and FNP is unclear. A proposed mechanism for facial weakness with malignant HTN involves vascular compromise of cranial nerve 7. Possibilities include facial nerve swelling associated with vascular engorgement; hemorrhage into the facial canal with nerve compression, an ischemic stroke affecting the postnuclear nerve fibers, or bleeding in the facial nerve nucleus. Our patient received a full range of advanced contrast-enhanced neuroimaging, including head and facial magnetic resonance imaging; none of which identified any such abnormality.

Our patient presented with malignant HTN and focal neurologic def- icit. This initially caused concern for possible HTN-induced intracranial pathology, which led to a preliminary classification of “HTN emergen- cy.” The first step in evaluating patients with acute facial paralysis is to determine whether the lesion is central or peripheral. Physical exami- nation revealed paresis of the forehead musculature on the affected side, which helped localize the lesion to peripheral cranial nerve 7. De- spite this, in addition to instituting immediate Therapeutic measures to lower the BP, a priority in initial diagnostic maneuvering included performing cranial CT imaging to rule out intracranial pathology.

The recommended ED management of pediatric malignant HTN in- cludes prompt administration of Antihypertensive medication to effect peripheral vasodilation (Table 3) [24]. intravenous antihypertensive agents are usually recommended as first-line management of HTN

Table 3

Drugs commonly used in ED treatment of malignant HTN

  • Nifedipine, SL or PO, 0.25-0.5 mg/kg (maximum, 10 mg), which reduces blood pressure within 5-20 min, with maximum effects at 60-90 min. Because it is only available in oral form, its absorption/effects can be erratic, thus making it most commonly recommended for children with hypertensive urgency.
  • Labetalol, IV, 0.2-1 mg/kg per dose (maximum, 20 mg), which can lower blood pressure within 5-10 min after IV administration by blocking ?– and ?-receptors peripherally at a ratio of 1:3 to effect vasodilation. It can be given as a IV Bolus infusion every 10 min or by continuous IV infusion and is not associated with reflex tachycardia or increased cardiac output.
  • Nicardipine, IV infusion, 1-3 ug/kg per minute, controls BP rapidly by producing arterial vasodilation, thus reducing peripheral vascular resistance. It can be ad- ministered as an IV infusion. Advantages include lack of decreased cardiac out- put and limited effect on chronotropic and dromotropic heart function.
  • sodium nitroprusside, IV infusion, 0.5-10 ug/kg per minute, which has potent, rapidly achieved vasodilating effects on arterioles and venules within minutes of administration. It is IV infused and can be precisely titrated in cases of acute Hypertensive crises.

emergency to rapidly and reliably effect lowering of BP. Although our patient was initially classified as such due to malignant HTN with focal neurologic deficit, he appeared to be well and was otherwise asymptom- atic, and neurologic examination was otherwise normal; thus, we consid- ered the relationship between HTN and FNP to be an association, rather than causal per se. As such, our initial therapeutic maneuver involved ad- ministration of the oral antihypertensive nifedipine, after which the par- enteral medication labetalol was used. The goal was to initially decrease the BP by approximately 20%, avoiding an excessively rapid or steep fall in BP, which can result in underperfusion of vital organs.

Ancillary management aspects for patients with malignant HTN in- clude arterial line placement to promote continuous BP monitoring and accurately assess progress with therapeutic intervention.

As with most patients with HTN-induced FNP, nerve dysfunction was transient and returned to normal after controlling BP elevation. The ultimate treatment goal for patients with RAS-associated HTN is relief of increased renal artery intravascular resistance. Definitive measures include percutane- ous transluminal angioplasty, with or without stent placement, and surgical bypass. Angioplasty with stent placement was unsuccessful in resolving our patient’s HTN; he had to continue taking antihypertensive medication.

There is an association between FNP and severe HTN in children. All children presenting with FNP require accurate BP measurement. Those with malignant HTN should receive prompt pharmacologic intervention to partially lower the BP and a thorough evaluation to identify the organ system responsible for BP elevation. In most instances, the FNP resolves completely after BP normalizes.

Bernarda Viteri, MD Nicholas Koch, MD Heda Dapul, MD William Bonadio, MD?

Department of Pediatrics, Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY

?Corresponding author

E-mail address:


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