Does the infusion rate of fluid affect rapidity of mean arterial pressure restoration during controlled hemorrhage
a b s t r a c t
Objective: This study aimed to compare 2 fluid infusion rates of lactated Ringer (LR) and hydroxyethyl starch (HES) 130/0.4 on hemodynamic restoration at the early phase of controlled hemorrhagic shock.
Methods: Fifty-six anesthetized and ventilated piglets were bled until mean arterial pressure (MAP) reached 40 mm Hg. Controlled hemorrhage was maintained for 30 minutes. After this period, 4 resuscitation groups were studied (n = 14 for each group): HES infused at 1 or 4 mL/kg per minute or LR1 infused at 1 or 4 mL/kg per minute until baseline MAP was restored. Hemodynamic assessment using PiCCO monitoring and biological data were collected.
Results: Time to restore baseline MAP +-10% was significantly lower in LR4 group (11 +- 11 minutes) compared to LR1 group (41 +- 25 minutes) (P = .0004). Time to restore baseline MAP +-10% was significantly lower in HES4 group (4 +- 3 minutes) compared to HES1 (11 +- 4 minutes) (P = .0003). Time to restore baseline MAP +-10% was significantly lower with HES vs LR whatever the infusion rate.
No statistically significant difference was observed in cardiac output, central venous saturation, extravascular lung water, and arterial lactate between 4 and 1 mL/kg per minute groups.
Conclusions: In this controlled hemorrhagic shock model, a faster infusion rate (4 vs 1 mL/kg per minute) signif- icantly decreased the time for restoring baseline MAP, regardless of the type of infused fluid. The time for MAP restoration was significantly shorter for HES as compared to LR whatever the fluid infusion rate.
(C) 2016
Despite large prevention programs around the world, severe injuries remain a major cause of death, greater than large pandemic infectious diseases [1]. massive hemorrhage and Neurologic injuries are the 2 main causes of death [2,3]. Even if early aggressive transfusion strategies are a key issue of severe bleeding management [4,5], fluid infusion re- mains the first therapeutic step, especially in prehospital settings [6]. However, infusion of large crystalloids volumes was shown to be asso- ciated with increased complications and mortality rates [4,7,8]. Damage control resuscitation is an emerging concept based on early transfusion and reduction of crystalloids [9-11]. If the link between the use of high fluid infusion rate, hemodynamic instability and need for emergent sur- gery was demonstrated, the optimal fluid infusion rate remains unclear
? Funding: This study was funded by public grants obtained from Physiology Depart- ment, EA 2992, Faculte de Medecine de Nimes, Universite Montpellier 1, Boulevard Kennedy 30,029 Nimes, France.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Muller).
[12]. In recent guidelines, no precise recommendation on fluid infusion rate during severe hemorrhage was mentioned [13]. Previous studies have reported the effects of fluid administration rates on plasma dilu- tion in volunteers by applying principles similar to those used in phar- macokinetics [14-16]. Mathematical models suggested that high infusion rates (N 80 mL/kg per hour) of crystalloids may not increase ef- fectiveness of fluid resuscitation in acute hemorrhage model and could induce a higher transfer of fluid from plasma to interstitium [17]. Inter- stitial edema due to high crystalloid infused volume is associated with poor outcomes [8,9,18]. Some studies suggested that high infusion rates could be deleterious as compared to low infusion rates [19-21], whereas other study did not show any benefit of different infusion rates [22]. In controlled hemorrhage, the infusion rate used could also have a different impact. Such conflicting results suggest that additional studies are needed to investigate the impact of fluid infusion rate on re- suscitation target, especially arterial pressure restoration and global he- modynamics. The role of the type of fluid is also debated. Arterial colloids are no longer recommended in critically ill patients with septic shock because of lack of superiority over crystalloids, increased renal toxicity, and increased mortality [23,24]. These deleterious effects of
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colloids are not demonstrated in nonseptic patients, and some studies suggest a better hemodynamic efficacy of artificial colloids over crystal- loids during hemorrhage [25-28].
The primary objective of the present study was to compare the time needed to restore mean arterial pressure (MAP) at 2 different infusion rates (1 vs 4 mL/kg per minute) in a model of controlled hemorrhage in anesthetized piglets. The second objective was to assess if infusion rates could differently affect the ability of lactated Ringer (LR) and hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 (HES) to restore MAP.
Materials and methods
This study was conducted as a prospective trial in a piglet model. The Animal Care and Use Committee approved the protocol, and all experi- ments were performed in an authorized animal research laboratory. All facilities and transport comply with current legal requirements.
Animal preparation
Fifty-six male 3-month-old piglets weighing 25 to 30 kg were includ- ed in the study. Animals were fasted overnight with free access to water. The animals were prepared as previously reported. Briefly, the piglets were premedicated with Intramuscular injection of ketamine 10 mg/kg, atropine 0.05 mg/kg, and midazolam 1 mg/kg. Anesthesia was induced with a bolus dose of propofol (4 mg/kg) and cisatracurium (0.25 mg/kg) via an ear vein. Anesthesia was maintained with propofol (8 mg/kg per hour), and Neuromuscular blockade was achieved with cisatracurium (0.5 mg/kg per hour). Animals were ventilated after surgi- cal tracheotomy (6.5 endotracheal tube Tyco) with an inspired fraction of oxygen of 0.21, a tidal volume of 8 mL/kg, and a positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 cm H2O (Servo 900C ventilator; Siemens, Solna, Sweden).
Once the piglets were anesthetized, a left cervical downward cut was performed, and a 7F double-lumen catheter was inserted through the internal jugular vein into the right atrium. The Central venous line was used for central venous pressure monitoring, venous blood gazes sampling, and cold Bolus injections for cardiac output (CO) mea- surement by transpulmonary thermodilution method. A 5F arterial catheter with an integrated thermistor tip was inserted through the femoral artery (PiCCO; Pulsion Medical Systems, Munich, Germany) into the descending aorta for continuous arterial blood pressure
monitoring, arterial blood sampling, and CO measurement. The femoral vein was also cannulated with an 8.5F catheter (Arrow; Arrow interna- tional, Inc) for blood withdrawal and for the administration of resuscita- tion fluids. All pressure-measuring catheters were connected to transducers (PiCCO plus; Pulsion) for continuous recording of systemic arterial pressure, heart rate (HR), and temperature.
Experimental protocol and times of measurements
The protocol was divided into 4 phases (Fig. 1).
At baseline (T0), measurements of hemodynamic and biological pa- rameters were performed. Hemorrhage was initiated by withdrawing venous blood through the femoral venous catheter at 2 mL/kg per min- ute until a MAP of 40 mm Hg was reached (~45% total blood volume or
~30 mL/kg). At the time of a 40 mm Hg MAP value could be read on the monitor (T1), CO was measured by transpulmonary thermodilution. Withdrawn blood was collected in a bag containing a solution of sodium citrate to prevent coagulation and to allow an autotransfusion if neces- sary for the following phase. During the following 30 minutes, MAP was maintained between 35 and 45 mm Hg by additional blood withdrawal or reinfusion of the shed blood. At the end of this phase (T2), hemody- namic parameters were measured, and blood samples were collected. Fifty-six piglets were divided into 4 groups based on the administration rate of infused fluid: LR1 group (n = 14) was resuscitated with LR at a 1 mL/kg per minute infusion rate; LR4 group (n = 14), with LR at a 4 mL/kg per minute infusion rate; HES1 group (n = 14), with 6% HES 130/0.4 (Voluven; Fresenius Kabi, France) at a 1 mL/kg per minute infu- sion rate; and HES4 group (n = 14), with 6% HES 130/0.4 at a 4 mL/kg per minute infusion rate. The choice between LR and HES was random- ized. To respect the 3Rs rule of the use of animals in research and to re- duce the number of animals, we used collected data of the piglets resuscitated at 1 mL/kg per minute in our previous study, and we added 2 groups: HES4 and LR4 submitted to the strict similar protocol. The overall experiment for the 4 groups was performed during the same and short period (from April 2011 to June 2012) and under strictly same experimental conditions. The allocated fluid was infused until MAP reached the baseline value +-10%. At this point (T3), hemodynamic parameters including CO by thermodilution were measured. During the following hour, MAP was maintained at its baseline value +-10% by ad- ditional fluid infusion according to the allocated group when necessary.
baseline MAP
– HES1 }1
– LR1
– HES4 }4
– LR4
Blood withdrawal
1 hour
30 minutes
Additional fluid loading
if necessary
Autotransfusion or
blood withdrawal
40 mmHg
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4
Hemodynamic data at baseline (T0), during hemorrhagic shock (T2), and after fluid resuscitation (T4) in HES1, HES4, LR1, and LR4 groups
HES1 group, n = 14 |
HES4 group, n = 14 |
LR1 group, n = 14 |
LR4 group, n = 14 |
Overall P values |
CVP (mm Hg) |
T0 |
6 +- 6 |
4 +- 2 |
6 +- 5 |
4 +- 1 |
.45 |
T1 |
1 +- 0 |
1 +- 0 |
6 +- 7 |
1 +- 0 |
.35 |
T2 |
2 +- 4 |
5 +- 3 |
3 +- 5 |
1 +- 1 |
.52 |
T3 |
4 +- 4 |
4 +- 3 |
6 +- 5 |
4 +- 2 |
.3 |
T4 |
5 +- 4 |
5 +- 3 |
5 +- 4 |
5 +- 1 |
.61 |
P value (T4 vs T2) CO (L/min) T0 |
.08 2.8 +- 0.7 |
.0005 3.1 +- 0.8 |
.01 2.8 +- 0.8 |
b.0001 3.3 +- 1 |
.3 |
T1 |
3.2 +- 4.8 |
2.5 +- 2.2 |
3.2 +- 4.5 |
2.0 +- 1.5 |
.8 |
T2 |
1.2 +- 0.4 |
1.3 +- 0.3 |
1.2 +- 0.3 |
1.2 +- 0.3 |
.5 |
T3 |
3.3 +- 1.2 |
3.8 +- 1.6 |
3.2 +- 1.1 |
4.1 +- 1.7 |
.4 |
T4 P value (T4 vs T2) HR (beats per minute) |
3.2 +- 1.4 b.0001 |
3.7 +- 1.3 b.0001 |
2.8 +- 0.8 b.0001 |
3.5 +- 0.8 b.0001 |
.08 |
T0 |
137 +- 30 |
128 +- 27 |
129 +- 18 |
129 +- 24 |
.7 |
T1 |
211 +- 60 |
217 +- 44 |
195 +- 50 |
239 +- 65 |
.1 |
T2 |
188 +- 18 |
182 +- 30 |
184 +- 22 |
189 +- 21 |
.98 |
T3 |
179 +- 31 |
149 +- 33 |
164 +- 36 |
163 +- 25 |
.2 |
T4 |
177 +- 41 |
132 +- 28a |
160 +- 43 |
151 +- 35 |
.04 |
P value (T4 vs T2) stroke volume variation (%) T0 |
.5 20 +- 8 |
.0002 19 +- 7 |
.09 17 +- 6 |
.004 14 +- 6 |
.1 |
T1 |
32 +- 4 |
29 +- 5 |
33 +- 5 |
31 +- 4 |
.3 |
T2 |
27 +- 7 |
22 +- 4 |
23 +- 5 |
21 +- 5 |
.5 |
T3 |
20 +- 4 |
16 +- 8 |
19 +- 7 |
15 +- 5 |
.1 |
T4 |
20 +- 5 |
17 +- 8 |
19 +- 5 |
17 +- 6 |
.2 |
P value (T4 vs T2) GEDV (mL) T0 |
.6 333 +- 104 |
.07 334 +- 55 |
.04 306 +- 83 |
.03 369 +- 77 |
.2 |
T1 |
188 +- 31 |
156 +- 36 |
191 +- 29 |
177 +- 37 |
.05 |
T2 |
210 +- 44 |
226 +- 59 |
179 +- 42 |
209 +- 34 |
.07 |
T3 |
285 +- 69 |
364 +- 80 |
292 +- 73 |
349 +- 64 |
.2 |
T4 |
284 +- 66 |
373 +- 83 |
266 +- 64 |
328 +- 56 |
.006 |
P value (T4 vs T2) EVLW (mL) T0 |
.001 251 +- 66 |
b.0001 224 +- 61 |
.0007 215 +- 49 |
b.0001 249 +- 47 |
.4 |
T1 |
232 +- 63 |
243 +- 43 |
197 +- 55 |
234 +- 33 |
.07 |
T2 |
211 +- 75 |
262 +- 85 |
188 +- 51 |
245 +- 58 |
.04 |
T3 |
241 +- 69 |
274 +- 77a |
227 +- 47 |
250 +- 54 |
.007 |
T4 |
242 +- 66 |
269 +- 48 |
221 +- 54 |
251 +- 41 |
.2 |
P value (T4 vs T2) |
.6 |
.2 |
.1 |
.7 |
For multiple group comparison, we used the Kruskal-Wallis test. Pairwise comparisons used the Mann-Whitney rank sum test with Bonferroni correction.
a HES1 vs HES4 (P b .0125).
After the 1-hour stabilization phase (T4), the last hemodynamic assess- ments were performed, and blood samples were collected. Then, all an- imals were euthanized using intravenous solution of thiopental (2 grams).
The following parameters were measured during the experiment:
Hemodynamic parameters measured at T0, T1, T2, T3, and T4: MAP, HR, CVP, CO, global end-diastolic volume (GEDV), extravas- cular lung water (EVLW) by transpulmonary thermodilution method, and stroke volume variation by pulse contour analysis.
- Biological parameters measured at T0, T2, and T4: arterial blood gases, hemoglobin venous oxygen saturation, Na+, K+, Cl–, Ca2+, lactate, creatinine, and hemoglobin.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using R (version 2.13.2) statistical software. Data are expressed in median values (with interquartile range) or mean values (+-SD) according to variable distribution for quantitative parameters and in absolute values and percentages for qualitative parameters. Statistical significance of differences was stud- ied by the Kruskal-Wallis test for nonparametric variables. P b .05 was considered as statistically significant. Pairwise comparisons were performed with Mann-Whitney U test followed by the Bonferroni
correction (for pairwise comparisons, differences were considered sig- nificant at P b .0125). A sample size of 14 piglets in each group was cal- culated to give 80% power to detect a 1:4 ratio of fluid volumes required to restore baseline MAP value at1 mL/kg per minute compared to 4 mL/kg per minute infusion rates.
Fifty-six animals were included. We compared HES at 1 mL/kg per minute infusion rate (HES1) (n = 14; weight, 26 [4]), to HES at 4 mL/kg per minute infusion rate (HES4) (n = 14; weight, 27 [2]) and LR at 1 mL/kg per minute infusion rate (LR1) (n = 14; weight, 26 [4]) to LR at 4 mL/kg per minute infusion rate (LR4) (n = 14; weight, 29 [1]). To reduce the number of animals used, we added 2 groups of 14 piglets re- suscitated with HES or LR at 4 mL/kg per minute infusion rate and submit- ted to the strict similar protocol design. Targeted MAP of 40 mm Hg was successfully achieved and maintained for 30 minutes in all groups (Table 1). The volume of hemorrhage was similar between groups: 32 +- 10 mL/kg (LR1), 32 +- 8 mL/kg (LR4), 31 mL/kg +- 10 mL/kg (HES1), and 32 +- 9 mL/kg (HES4) (P, nonsignificant). None of the studied piglets needed blood autotransfusion during the hemorrhage phase. He- modynamics and biological data are given in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Time to restore baseline MAP +-10% was significantly lower in LR4 group (11 +- 11 minutes) compared to LR1 group (41 +- 25 minutes)
Biological data at baseline (T0), during hemorrhagic shock (T2), and after fluid resuscitation (T4) in HES1, HES4, LR1, and LR4 groups
HES1, n = 14
HES4, n = 14
LR1, n = 14
LR4, n = 14
Overall P values
Arterial lactate (mmol/L)
3.2 +- 2.8
2.6 +- 1
2.8 +- 2.3
4.2 +- 3.6
6.9 +- 4.1
4.8 +- 1.8
5.3 +- 1.9
6.2 +- 3.1
3.7 +- 2.9
2.6 +- 1.3
3.6 +- 2.2
5.5 +- 2.8c
P value (T4 vs T2)
Central venous saturation (%) T0
69 +- 15
70 +- 15
65 +- 18
64 +- 17
40 +- 16
27 +- 8
37 +- 13
42 +- 21
63 +- 16
68 +- 10
59 +- 15
65 +- 17
P value (T4 vs T2)
Hemoglobin (g/dL)
10,3 +- 0.8
10.4 +- 1
10.9 +- 1.6
10 +- 1.5
9.8 +- 1.3
9.4 +- 2.1
9.4 +- 1.1
9.4 +- 2.1
7.2 +- 1.6
6.1 +- 1.5
7.6 +- 1.5
6.4 +- 1.7
P value (T4 vs T2) arterial pH
7.40 +- 0.07
7.39 +- 0.04
7.40 +- 0.11
7.36 +- 0.10
7.32 +- 0.15
7.40 +- 0.08
7.38 +- 0.12
7.33 +- 0.09
7.41 +- 0.08
7.41 +- 0.08
7.46 +- 0.12
7.35 +- 0.12
P value (T4 vs T2) PaO2/FIO2 (mm Hg)
374 +- 78
427 +- 104
363 +- 97
379 +- 121
373 +- 67
438 +- 86
393 +- 69
490 +- 151
422 +- 81
515 +- 109
459 +- 97
464 +- 106
P value (T4 vs T2) Plasma HCO3- (mmol/L)
29.6 +- 3.9
30.6 +- 2.7
30.2 +- 2.6
28.2 +- 3.7
24.6 +- 5.2
27.9 +- 3.1
26.2 +- 3.5
25.3 +- 3.6
29.6 +- 4.6
31.2 +- 2.4c
29.7 +- 3.3
26.7 +- 3.1
P value (T4 vs T2)
Plasma Na+ (mmol/L)
137 +- 3
138 +- 3
138 +- 2
137 +- 2
136 +- 3
136 +- 3
137 +- 2
136 +- 2
137 +- 2
137 +- 2
137 +- 2
137 +- 2
P value (T4 vs T2)
Plasma Cl– (mmol/L)
101 +- 3
100 +- 2
101 +- 2
100 +- 1
101 +- 3
100 +- 2
102 +- 2
100 +- 1
103 +- 3
102 +- 2
103 +- 3
102 +- 2
P value (T4 vs T2)
Plasma Ca2+ (mmol/L)
2.4 +- 0.2
2.5 +- 0.2
2.4 +- 0.2
2.4 +- 0.2
2.4 +- 0.2
2.5 +- 0.2
2.4 +- 0.2
2.3 +- 0.2
2.1 +- 0.3
2.1 +- 0.2
2.2 +- 0.2
2.2 +- 0.2
P value (T4 vs T2)
Plasma K+ (mmol/L)
4.3 +- 0.4
4.2 +- 0.3
4.5 +- 0.5
4.2 +- 0.5
5.5 +- 1.2
5.2 +- 0.8
5.1 +- 1.1
5.4 +- 1.6
4.0 +- 0.4
3.8 +- 0.3
4.3 +- 0.4
4,2 +- 0,6
P value (T4 vs T2) Plasma creatinine (umol/L)
67 +- 7
74 +- 13
69 +- 9
76 +- 15
89 +- 13
95 +- 15
90 +- 15
97 +- 24
71 +- 8
75 +- 12
66 +- 8
73 +- 13
P value (T4 vs T2)
For multiple group comparison, we used the Kruskal-Wallis test. Pairwise comparisons used the Mann-Whitney rank sum test with Bonferroni correction.
aLR1 vs LR4 (P b .0125).
c HES4 vs LR4 (P b .0125).
(P = .0004). Time to restore baseline MAP +-10% was significantly lower in HES4 group (4 +- 3 minutes) compared to HES1 (11 +- 4 minutes) (P =
.0003) (Fig. 2A). Time to restore baseline MAP +-10% was significantly lower with HES vs LR regardless of the infusion rate (Fig. 2A).
The total volume of infused fluid during the experiment was 398 +- 229 mL (HES1) vs 543 +- 399 mL (HES4) (P = .34) and 1551 +- 607 mL
(LR1) vs 2145 +- 1133 mL (LR4) (P = .23). The volume needed to restore baseline MAP was significantly lower in HES1 compared to LR1 group (P b .0001) and lower in HES 4 compared to LR 4 group (P = .01) (Fig. 2B).
For the resuscitation phase, the volume of infused fluid to restore the baseline MAP +-10% was not statistically different between the HES1 and the HES4 groups (280 +- 119 mL vs 440 +- 396 mL; P = .22) and be- tween LR1 and LR4 groups (1011 +- 515 mL vs 1356 +- 1319 mL; P =
.83) (Fig. 2C).
For the stabilization phase, we did not find statistically significant difference between HES1 and HES4 groups (119 +- 124 mL vs 104 +- 160 mL; P = .43) and between LR1 and LR4 groups (541 +- 506 mL vs 790 +- 770 mL; P = .49) (Fig. 2D).
Fig. 2. InfusED volumes and time needed during the resuscitation and stabilization phases in HES1, HES4, LR1, and LR4 groups. A, Time needed to restore MAP during resuscitation phase. B, Total fluid volumes. C, Resuscitation phase fluid volumes. D, Stabilization phase fluid volumes. Data are expressed as box plots: the top of the box represents the 75th percentile, the bottom of the box represents the 25th percentile, and the line in the middle of the box represents the median value. The lines that extend out of the top and bottom of the box represent the 90th and 10th percentiles.
In this Experimental model of controlled hemorrhage, high infusion rate (4 mL/kg per minute) is associated with a quicker restoration of MAP than lower infusion rate (1 mL/kg per minute) regardless of the type of infused fluid. High infusion rate did not significantly alter CO, EVLW, or arterial lactate.
Our study is the first study focusing on the influence of fluid infusion rate on arterial pressure restoration in a controlled hemorrhagic shock. The present study shows that high infusions rates are associated with a more rapid MAP restoration. Surprisingly, this was not associated with significant differences in CO, GEDV, lactate, or SvO2. This suggests that a more rapid MAP restoration is not associated in this model with a greater restoration of blood volume or tissue perfusion. Moreover, in the present study, the 4 times faster infusion rate of both LR and HES did not reduce the volume of fluid required to restore baseline MAP
+-10% (Fig. 2). These findings imply that the faster restoration of MAP, observed in the high infusion rates groups, is not due only to a Volume expansion effect. As infused volumes are similar, whereas baseline MAP value is reached earlier, we could hypothesized that high infusion rates (4 mL/kg per minute) increase peripheral vascular resistances more than low infusion rates (1 mL/kg per minute).
Conversely, it was previously demonstrated that hemorrhagic shock induces vascular hyporeactivity after blood loss ~30% of total blood vol- ume [29]. In case of rapid fluid infusion, a transient and Rapid increase of intravascular volume could lead to an improved vascular tone response. Another explanation could be that during high infusion rates, fluid dis- tribution between the intravascular and interstitial space has been modulated by the rapidity of fluid loading [30].
Few studies investigated the influence of varied infusion rates on fluid hemodynamic effects during severe bleeding. In a moderate hem- orrhage volume kinetic model, crystalloid infusion rates exceeding 80 mL/kg per hour were associated with a higher fluid volume required to maintain blood volume as compared to infusion rates of 40 mL/kg per hour [17]. These results differ from the present study as we reported similar infused volumes for high and lower infusion rates. However, the goal to achieve differs as we chose mean arterial pressure as primary objective of fluid infusion, whereas Tatara et al [17] considered blood volume. We focused on arterial pressure as it is well established that systolic arterial pressure is a major clinical goal and the most common available parameter at the early phase of hemorrhagic shock [13,31-33]. It has been suggested that high infusion rate could be deleterious during severe uncontrolled hemorrhage [34]. Several animal studies confirmed that mortality increased with the increase of MAP [35,36]. Conversely, some studies reported a higher occurrence of deaths in hy- potensive treatment groups in multiple hemorrhage models, and prolonged hypotensive resuscitation induced increased mortality rate, persistent metabolic stress, and tissue hypoxia in a swine controlled hemorrhagic shock [35,37-39]. It was then demonstrated that targeting intermediate value of MAP during hemorrhage resuscitation was the best compromise between the risk of fatal hypovolemia and the risk of rebleeding associated with highest MAP level [40,41]. It could also be hypothesized that high infusion rate could be associated with excessive capillary leak, pulmonary edema, and mortality. The present report does not fully support this hypothesis. In LR1 and LR4 groups, the infused vol- ume according to animal body weight was 39 mL/kg (LR1 group) and 47 mL/kg (LR4 group). In a previous study, Svensen et al [42] showed that significant capillary leak was observed for crystalloid infused
volume exceeding 50 mL/kg. As this critical value was not reached in the present study, it could explain why the rapidity of MAP restoration is greater with high infusion rates in LR group.
As a second result, fluid infusion rate differently affects crystalloids and colloids. Quadrupling LR infusion rates increases 3.6-fold the rapid- ity of MAP restoration. In contrast, quadrupling HES infusion rate only increases 2.7-fold the rapidity of MAP restoration (Fig. 2). Several re- ports suggest that, after a critical infused volume, the hemodynamic ef- fect of a fluid was saturated and additional amounts of infused fluid only induce capillary leak and interstitial edema without favorable hemody- namic effects [16,42]. This phenomenon affects both crystalloids and colloids [16,42,43]. In the present study, high infusion rates of HES were associated with a significant increase in EVLW at T3 (Table 1). This could mean that because HES has a better hemodynamic effect than LR, the threshold at which the maximal hemodynamic effect is reached is lower than LR. This could partially explain the differences be- tween LR and HES in the 2 different infusion regimens observed in the present study. Another explanation could be that HES and LR modulate differently the vascular reactivity. Indeed, in a rat hemorrhagic shock model, Liu et al [29] demonstrated that colloids improved the vascular hyporesponsiveness observed after hemorrhage better than crystal- loids. Therefore, HES could better restore vascular reactivity and con- tractility as the influence of administration rate on MAP restoration is less pronounced for HES than LR.
In other causes of shock and/or hypovolemia, few studies investigat-
ed the role of infusion rate on the ability of a given fluid to restore arte- rial pressure [17,44,45]. Ewaldsson and Hahn [30] assessed the effects of different fluid regimens before induction of Spinal anesthesia. They ob- served that a bolus injection of either Ringer or 1-kDa dextran did not change the decrease in arterial pressure after induction of spinal anes- thesia as compared to continuous infusion rates. In addition, Bark et al
[44] recently reported no significant difference in plasma volume- expanding effect for the bolus and the continuous crystalloid groups in a septic rat model. Similarly, Bark et al reported a greater plasma vol- ume expansion with colloids (5% albumin, 6% HES 130/0.4, 4% gelatin, and 6% dextran 70) with a slow infusion rate especially for albumin in septic models of rat or guinea pigs [44,45].
- Any extrapolation to humans should be made with caution, as the short experiment period does not allow any conclusion about Long-term effects of fluids.
- The findings of the present study may not be extrapolated to trau-
ma patients as no direct tissue damage was induced in this model.
- The total blood volume was not measured by techniques involv- ing hemodilution, indicator dye dilution, or radioactive albumin escape rate [46-48].
- The infusion rates in the present study are higher compared to those used in the clinical practice. Indeed, 1 to 4 mL/kg per min- ute corresponds to infusion rates of 4 to 16 L/h for a 70-kg human. However, the study highlights that too aggressive resus- citation rates could not be efficient and indeed deleterious. We cannot exclude that an intermediate infusion rate (between 1 and 4 mL/kg per minute) would have been equally efficient to 4 mL/kg per minute.
In this controlled hemorrhagic shock model, a faster infusion rate (4 vs 1 mL/kg per minute) significantly decreased the time for restoring baseline MAP, regardless of the type of infused fluid. The time for MAP restoration was significantly shorter for HES as compared to LR whatev- er the fluid infusion rate. High infusion rates (4 mL/kg per minute) were not associated with a reduction of LR or HES infused volumes and did not alter CO, EVLW, or lactate.
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